-- PHP Script with minimal server requirements
-- Full featured web interface
-- Easily customizable
-- Easy to install on almost any web server!

The ORS web interface is an FREE SHARE-WARE online reservation system for aircrafts, boats, rooms, time-shares, office or lab equipment, or any other type of resource that your organization schedules!



ORS is a PHP script that enables an organization to easily provide an online reservation system!


ORS Features:
- Graphical, interactive calendar
- View by day, week, month, or text list
- Alternate signups for same resource and time block
- Automatic email notifications of schedule changes
- Password-controlled access
- Customizable signup rules (length, weekends, etc.)
- Expire user accounts by date
- Identify inactive accounts
- Virtually unlimited number of resources and users
- 4 levels of user access
- Automatic database backup
- Control what is publically-viewable
- Easy to install
- Free - no fees - none!

Project hosted by:
SourceForge.net Logo
The Online Resource Scheduler (ORS) program is brought to you under the GPL software license.

Website design and development provided by Chris Watkins
Layout Copyright © 2003 Chris Watkins. All rights reserved.